Design Services

3D Computer Aided Design (CAD)

We use state-of-the-art 3D modeling software to design any part or assembly we need to create. From a refined design, we can analyze the function and operation of the assembly to ensure its viability, even before we fabricate it. This software allows for us to share the design and collaboratively refine it, while analyzing it from all angles. With the conclusion of the design process, the software yields technical drawings and CNC  files necessary to fabricate the design.

3D Printing

We often use Stereo Lithography (SLA) printing methods to produce mock-ups and early prototypes of our designs. This process works hand in hand with our CAD tools, bringing a design from a visualization on a computer to a physical model which provides a better sense of scale.

Printed Circuit Board  (PCB) Design

Printed circuit boards are at the heart of almost every device with electronic aspects. Our PCB design tools allow us to take an electronic design and optimally and permanently assemble the circuit. Even for a relatively simple circuit, a PCB allows for a more professional prototype and allows for the use of smaller components, reducing the overall footprint of the board. We often use a standardized library of components for our design, allowing for quick turnaround and consistent design practices between projects.